I am a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW) specializing in counseling individuals experiencing anxiety, depression, chronic illness & pain, trauma, & other health concerns. Other primary areas of focus are: life-transitions & adjustment, stress injuries among First Responders, sports-performance, grief & loss, end-of- life care, long-term treatment side-effects, palliative care & pain management, carepartner stress, and facilitating support groups. Furthermore, I have a Master of Public Health (MPH) which greatly enhances my skill set across a broad range of behavioral health competencies. I have practical experience and knowledge within the fields of oncology, maternal & child health, health policy & promotion, disease-prevention, and health behavior & education.
I have a rich history working within and navigating the traditional medical model in hospitals, research institutions, and community-based health clinics. I also have experience working with integrative health practitioners who deliver complimentary treatment modalities. It is common for patients, primary carepartners and family members to experience fear, confusion, anxiety, isolation, and loss of control as they navigate the health care system while simultaneously coping with a major illness. I have significant experience assisting patients and their carepartners through this maze while reducing psychosocial distress.
I believe resources to help heal the mind and body intrinsically exists within all of us. My comprehensive approach to health includes – mindfulness meditation, physical exercise, holistic nutrition, and a variety of integrated behavioral health practices.
My practice consists of utilizing a variety of therapeutic modalities. I draw inspiration most heavily from Acceptance & Commitment Therapy, Meaning-Centered Psychotherapy, Socratic Dialogue, and Somatic Experiencing to help my clients achieve improved health and well-being.
I believe my clients are truly “the courageous” because it takes a lot of courage, strength, and vulnerability to ask for help, struggle with uncertainty, face adversity head-on and move toward a place of greater empowerment.
I'm originally from Atlanta, Georgia and moved to Bozeman, Montana in 2007. After graduating from Emory University with a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology, I moved to Chapel Hill, North Carolina to attend graduate school at the University of North Carolina where I earned two master degrees in Social Work (MSW) and Public Health (MPH). Since graduate school, I have worked in North Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, and Montana utilizing my skills in a variety of ways ranging from crisis-counseling, research, education, advocacy, program development and management, and community organizing & engagement.
When not working, I enjoy trail running, Nordic skiing, biking, and camping with my spouse & dog.
All therapy is grief work. A process of confronting a life where you expect one thing and get another, a life that brings you the unexpected and unanticipated - Dr. Edith Eger